Edward H. Crane

Founder & President

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Edward Crane is the founder and president of the Cato Institute. Under his leadership, the Cato Institute has grown to become one of the nation’s most prominent public policy research organizations. Crane has been a pioneer in framing the political debate as one, not between liberal and conservative, but rather between civil society (the voluntary sector) and political society (government power). He was at the forefront of promoting personal accounts in lieu of the current Social Security system, and was one of the first national leaders of the term limits movement.

Journal, the Washington Post, the New York Times and Forbes. He has been interviewed on NPR’s Morning Edition and Talk of the Nation, C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, and other media. Crane holds a B.S. from the University of California, Berkeley and an MBA from the University of Southern California.

Crane is the coeditor of several books, publisher of Regulation magazine, serves on the Boards of U.S. Term Limits and the Center for Competitive Politics, and is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. He is a chartered financial analyst and former vice president at Alliance Capital Management Corp.

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